Relationship With Visitor and travelers who like vacation around the world with cars and other transportation
Kopdar Publisher Adsense Id di Plaza Marina, Surabaya
Kemarin malam, hari Kamis tanggal 24 November 2011. Member adsense id regional Surabaya mengadakan kopdar / meeting up dengan bangzenk (moderator di forum adsense-id) bertempat di Plaza Marina, Surabaya. Ayahanda acil yang memang ingin fokus dan belajar dalam Internet Marketing, termasuk jadi publisher adsense tidak ketinggalan ikut datang untuk berguru dan belajar ke mastah adsense yang sudah
Kandungan Usia 7 Bulan
[caption id="attachment_248" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="kandungan usia 7 bulan"][/caption]Usia kandungan bunda acil sekarang sudah memasuki 7 bulan. Tidak terasa dengan seiring berlalunya waktu, usia acil di kandungan bunda sudah memasuki tujuh bulan. Gerakan acil semakin aktif dan semakin sering menendang nendang. Bunda acil sudah tidak sabar pengen melihat acil lahir kedunia ini.
Acara Tingkepan enam bulanan bunda acil
[caption id="attachment_244" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="tingkepan bunda acil"][/caption]
Ayahanda dan ibunda acil adalah orang jawa dan tinggal di Jawa, jadi masih mengikuti dan menghormati adat istiadat jawa. Di adat jawa bagi orang perempuan yang lagi hamil harus membikin acara selamatan. Yang biasa di kenal dengan sebutan tujuh bulanan atau tingkepan. Tapi ayahanda dan bunda acil
Ayahanda dan ibunda acil adalah orang jawa dan tinggal di Jawa, jadi masih mengikuti dan menghormati adat istiadat jawa. Di adat jawa bagi orang perempuan yang lagi hamil harus membikin acara selamatan. Yang biasa di kenal dengan sebutan tujuh bulanan atau tingkepan. Tapi ayahanda dan bunda acil
Tips menurunkan Berat Badan sehabis Melahirkan
[caption id="attachment_238" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="berat badan bunda"][/caption]Beberapa waktu lalu, Wulan Guritno saat hamil anak yang ke tiga berat badan wulan guritno naik 20kg. Kehamilan kali ini wulan guritno tidak membatasi menu makanannya, jadi berat badan dia bisa naik sebanyak itu. Dari awal mengandung sampai Wulan Guritno melahirkan tidak mengalami yang namanya ngidam
Dapat Uang dari memasang Link di Blogroll
[caption id="attachment_234" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="pembayaran dari memasang link di blogroll"][/caption]Kali ini, Acilku akan berbagi penglaman dan cerita dapat uang dari memasang link di blogroll. Untuk mendapatkan uang atau duit berupa dollar dari blog ada berbagai banyak macam nya, termasuk memasang link di blogroll. Kita hanya menaruh kode script atau plugin link sales, dan
Kanduangan Bunda Usia 6 Bulan
[caption id="attachment_228" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="bunda mengandung"][/caption]Usia kandungan Bunda kini sudah memasuki 6 bulan, kemarin habis aku periksakan ke dokter. Dokter bilang kandunganku baik, gerak janin juga baik, detak jantung acil juga baik, tensiku juga normal 110/70, berat badanku naik 3 kg bulan lalu 53kg dan kemaren di timbang jadi 56 kg. Dari hamil awal bulan
Syahrini bangga dukung tim Sepak bola dengan Baju khusus
[caption id="attachment_224" align="alignnone" width="266" caption="Syahrini"][/caption]Kecintaan Syahrini terhadap olahraga sepak bola memang tidak di ragukan lagi terbukti hari kamis kemarin artis Syahrini nonton langsung pemain timnas waktu melawan malaysia. Bahkan demi menunjukkan support nya terhadap pemain sepak bola timnas, Syahrini telah menyiapkan baju khusus jauh hari sebelumnya untuk
Terungkap Prostitus anak SMK di Surabaya
[caption id="attachment_217" align="alignnone" width="285" caption="prostitusi anak SMK"][/caption]Hari Rabu jam 7 malam, acil kaget mendengar berita bahwa teman Facebook acil ternyata tertangkap Polisi waktu berada di Hotel. Acil pun kurang percaya waktu mendengar kabar Prostitusi anak SMK di Surabaya, bener ta? Ternyata setelah membaca di dan jawapos online, 'Terungkap Prostitusi anak
Tips Mengatasi Kaki Bengkak saat Hamil
[caption id="attachment_213" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="tips dari bunda acil"][/caption]Hampir semua perempuan yang hamil mengalami bengkak di kaki termasuk bunda acil juga. Tapi bengkak kaki yang di alami bunda acil tidak berlangsung lama. Bunda acil mengalami bengkak di kaki saat usia kehamilan 6 bulan tapi hal itu tidak berlangsung terus menerus, karena mempraktekkan tips mengatasi
Kabar Andi Soraya mau Menikah
[caption id="attachment_209" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Andi Soraya"][/caption]Andi soraya lagi berbahagia karena sebentar lagi akan menikah, terbukti Andi Soraya sudah fitting baju pengantin di salah satu desainer terkenal di jakarta. Tapi Andi Soraya belum mau mengatakan dengan siapa akan menikah, karena Andi Soraya pengen memberikan kejutan. Kemarin, Andi Soraya sudah fitting baju
Kenapa Banned Adsense Account terjadi?
Pagi tadi, Acil menerima email dari google soal banned adsense account. Lalu muncul pemikiran di otak acil, kenapa banned adsense account terjadi? Apa blog yang memasang kode adsense melanggar peraturan, ataukah disebabkan alasan lain sehingga account adsense kena banned. Pasti semua itu ada penjelasan nya...
Menurut email yang acil terima tadi pagi, kenapa banned adsense account terjadi pada
Menurut email yang acil terima tadi pagi, kenapa banned adsense account terjadi pada
Cara mencegah Kulit Hitam waktu Hamil
[caption id="attachment_203" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Bunda Acilku"][/caption]Biasanya Bunda yang lagi hamil sering mengalami masalah seiring bertambah besar usia kehamilan. Diantaranya timbul kulit gelap di sekitar leher, kantung mata, perut, payudara, ketiak serta lipatan2 kulit yang lain. Perubahan hormon membuat kulit gelap atau berubah hitam dan guratan halus memang sering
Cara agar Payudara tetap kencang setelah Melahirkan
[caption id="attachment_197" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="payudara"][/caption]Sebagai seorang perempuan kodrat melahirkan dan menjadi seorang ibu tidak bisa kita hindari atau pungkiri. Karena kurang sempurna seorang wanita jika belum merasakan bagaimana rasanya hamil dan melahirkan, oleh sebab itu berbahagialah para bunda yang sekarang lagi hamil dan yang sudah di karuniai anak oleh
HP Dewi Persik hilang di Pengadilan
[caption id="attachment_192" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="HP Dewi Persik"][/caption]Dewi Persik hari ini sedang menjalani sidang di pengadilan terkait dengan perseteruannya dengan Julia Perez. Lalu Dewi Persik kehilangan phone cell nya di dalam loker pengadilan. DePe tidak menyangka kenapa HP yang dia taruh di loker pengadilan bisa hilang padahal di dalam dan luar pengadilan ada cctv
Denada bertunangan tanggal 11-11-2011
[caption id="attachment_187" align="alignnone" width="250" caption="Denada"][/caption]Bunda Acil mendengar kalau artis cantik Denada akan bertunangan tanggal 11-11-2011. Berita pertunangan artis Denada sedang di beritakan di media. Usia Denada memang sudah tidak muda lagi, dan pantas jadi kakak Bunda acil hehehe. Denada sudah sering di gosipkan dekat dengan banyak laki-laki dan itu hanya sebatas
Ahmad Dhani bertengkar dengan Maia Estianty karena AL
[caption id="attachment_182" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="foto Al membuat dhani bertengkar dengan maia"][/caption]Berita akhir-khir ini tentang AL, anak sulung Ahmad Dhani dengan Maia Estianty lagi pesta minum minuman keras di rumah Maia membuat Ahmad Dhani bertengkar dengan Maia Estianty. Terbukti karena foto AL anak Ahmad Dhani dan Maia sedang memegang botol minuman keras dan merokok
Foto Ivian Sarcos Miss World 2011
[caption id="attachment_177" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Ivian Sarcos"][/caption]Miss World 2011 Ivian Sarcos yang nama asli nya adalah Ivian Lunaros Sarcos Colmenares memang sangat cantik dan juga pintar, tidak salah jika Ivian Sarcos panggilan akrabnya bisa lolos dan bisa menjadi juara 1 Miss World 2011. Ivian Sarcos tidak menyangka kalau dirinyalah yang akan memenangkan ajang Miss
Cara Dapat Uang dari Blog
[caption id="attachment_171" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="uang dari blog"][/caption]Salah satu cara dapat uang dari blog adalah dengan jual link di blog anda. Ini adalah cara yang paling gampang dan mudah, karena tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus, Acil pun bisa hehehe :)
Kita cuma harus punya blog, dan apabila blog itu terkenal atau mempunyai popularitas, pasti advertiser atau pengiklan
Kita cuma harus punya blog, dan apabila blog itu terkenal atau mempunyai popularitas, pasti advertiser atau pengiklan
Raffi Ahmad dan Laudya Chintya Bella dekat lagi?
[caption id="attachment_167" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="Raffi ahmad dan Laudya Chintya Bella"][/caption]Di tengah kegalauan hati Raffi Ahmad setelah putus dengan Yuni Shara. Kabarnya Raffi Ahmad sedang dekat lagi sama Laudya Chintya Bella yang pernah di pacarinya dulu sebelum raffi ahmad jalan sama Yuni Shara. Mungkinkah ini yang di namakan cinta lama bersemi kembali..... hehehe. ya
Kehidupan Yuni Shara setelah putus dengan Raffi Ahmad
[caption id="attachment_163" align="alignnone" width="233" caption="Yuni Shara"][/caption]Kehidupan Yuni Shara setelah putus dengan Raffi Ahmad tetap berjalan seperti biasa. Artis imut Yuni Shara sibuk mengurus buah hati tercintanya di sela-sela kegiatan menyanyinya. Bunda cantik dan imut yang satu ini mengakui setelah putus dari Raffi Ahmad hari-harinya di habiskan bersama buah hatinya tercinta
Tips perawatan setelah operasi caesar dari Bunda Acil
[caption id="attachment_157" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Bunda Acil"][/caption]Bunda acil mengucapkan Selamat bagi bunda-bunda lain yang lagi hamil... karena semua bunda pasti senang dan merasa sempurna karena sebentar lagi akan melahirkan dan mendengar tangisan buah hati yang baru lahir. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, perawatan setelah melahirkan harus diperhatikan. Juga buah hati
Koleksi foto Charly ST12 dari Balita sampai yang Terbaru
[caption id="attachment_149" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Charly ST12"][/caption]Foto Charly ST12 memang banyak di media tapi Bunda acil pengen mendapatkan komunitas yang punya koleksi foto Charli ST12 yang di mulai dari foto Charly ST12 masih balita sampai foto Charly terbaru. Bunda salah satu pengemar lagu ST12 dari yang album jadul sampai album terbaru, Bunda acil ngikutin dan sudah
Tips dapat Duit dari Chitika
[caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="duit dari chitika"][/caption]Alhamdulilah... kemarin acil menerima duit dari Chitika. Padahal blog yang pasang chitika sudah deindex atau kena banned search engine Google. Tapi, dengan tips dapat duit dari chitika, blog yang dipasangi kode chitika tetap menghasilkan, meskipun sedikit, hehehe .... Payment dari chitika lewat
Pengakuan Ayu Ting Ting tentang Raffi Ahmad
[caption id="attachment_129" align="alignnone" width="231" caption="pengakuan ayi ting ting"][/caption]Pengakuan Ayu Ting Ting tentang hubunganya dengan Raffi Ahmad memang dekat dan mereka berteman baik. Tapi bukan berarti Ayu ting ting penyebab putusnya raffi ahmad dengan yuni shara. Ayu ting ting memang kenal dan berteman sama raffi ahmad karena sama sama artis dan mengisi acara entertainment.
Acilku ikut Jampersal
[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="ibu hamil"][/caption]Sekarang pemerintah mengadakan program Jaminam Persalinan atau Jampersal untuk membantu ibu hamil yang sebelumnya tidak ikut jaminan kesehatan apapun. Program Jampersal (Jaminan Persalinan) bertujuan untuk membantu ibu hamil serta persalinannya baik itu persalinan secara normal maupun persalinan secara caecar
Bukti perselingkuhan Sophia Latjuba
[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignnone" width="196" caption="Sophia Latjuba"][/caption]Perselingkuhan Sophia Latjuba sudah menjadi menjadi berita gosip di sana sini. Berawal dari pengakuan suaminya di akun twitter yang mengatakan bahwa Sophia Latjuba telah berselingkuh tapi masih di rahasiakan siapa laki-laki yang di gosipkan itu. Membuat acil bak detektif mencari bukti perselingkuhan
Raffi Ahmad putus dengan Yuni Shara karena Ayu ting ting ?
[caption id="attachment_117" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Raffi Ahmad dan Yuni Shara"][/caption]Siapa yang tidak kenal sosok ayu ting ting yang cantik jelita. Banyak kaum adam yang tertarik dengannya bahkan artis Raffi Ahmad si kekasih Yuni Shara pun di beritakan tertarik dengan kecantikan ayu ting ting. Parasnya ayu ting ting yang cantik serta imut yang tidak kalah dengan Yuni Shara,
Cara Dapat Duit dari Twitter 2012
[caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="dapat duit dari twitter"][/caption]Ini lanjutan cerita dan catatan acil dari posting sebelumnya "Tips Dapatkan Uang dari Twitter". Sekarang, acil akan menjelaskan lagi, Cara dapat Duit dari Twitter 2012. Apabila tahun 2011 ini anda cuma monetize twitter dengan sponsor tweet (baca tips dapatkan uang dari twitter), menginjak 2012
Usia 22 Minggu Acilku di Rahim Bunda
[caption id="attachment_106" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Bunda acil"][/caption]Tanggal 21 Oktober 2011 usia kehamilanku menginjak 22 minggu. Berarti sudah memasuki 5 bulan acil berada di rahim bunda. Di kehamilan pertamaku ini mamang bikin senang sekaligus khawatir coz sejak awal dokter menyatakan kalau kehamilan kali ini bermasalah dan butuh penanganan khusus. Alhasil Bunda acil jadi
Ayu ting ting duet Syahrini, Olga bergoyang di acara Musik
[caption id="attachment_95" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Ayu ting ting duet Syahrini"][/caption]Barusan, bunda Acil melihat Ayu ting ting duet Syahrini di acara Dahsyat. Ayu ting ting duet dengan Syahrini dan Olga pun bergoyang mengikuti lagu Alamat Palsu. Di acara musik Dahsyat waktu ulangtahun silet, ayu ting ting tampil heboh bersama syahrini. Kehadiran mereka berdua di dahsyat bikin
Bagaimana Cara dapat Gaji Bulanan dari Jual Link
hehehe .... dari baca judulnya "Bagaimana Cara dapat Gaji Bulanan dari Jual Link", Acil seperti hiperbola yah ... :) Kenyataan nya, acil cuma dapat $5 per bulan dari jual link di blogspot. Tapi berapapun jumlah dolar yang didapat, acil tetap bersyukur masih di beri rezeki yang halal. Memang sih, kalau teman teman ingin dapat gaji bulanan dari jual link yang banyak, cara nya harus fokus dan punya
Usia Kandungan Acil
Saat ini gerakan acil bikin gemes dhe. Hari² aku sekarang senang banget karena di usia kandungan aku yang ke 21 minggu ini acil si bayi sudah mulai aktif gerak. Meskipun gerakan bayi acil masih tergolong pelan belum nendang kayak pemain bola hehehe tapi aku sudah bisa merasakan gerakan itu.
Ada kebahagian tersendiri yang tidak bisa di nilai dengan apapun sewaKtu menjadi calon seorang ibu.
Ada kebahagian tersendiri yang tidak bisa di nilai dengan apapun sewaKtu menjadi calon seorang ibu.
Rahasia Tantri personil KOTAK
Teman-teman Kerabat KOTAK, penggemar band Kotak dan ngefans sama personil Kotak terutama penyanyi nya Tantri pasti ingin tahu rahasia Tantri personil KOTAK band dalam kisah asmara nya. Iya, sekarang ini Tantri sedang berpacaran dengan vokalis band Naff, si Arda. Lalu apa rahasia Tantri sehingga hubungannya tetap harmonis, awet dan bahagia? padahal Kotak band dan Naff punya banyak penggemar dan
Dapat uang dari Blog pakai Infolinks Tips
[caption id="attachment_75" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="tips dapat uang dari blog"][/caption]Dapat uang dari Internet itu gampang gampang susah. Kalau tau caranya ya gampang, kalau tidak tau ya sulit. Makanya acil selalu belajar pengetahuan baru untuk menambah penghasilan dan earning. Salah satunya, mengikuti cara dapat uang dari blog pakai infolinks tips, dan alhamdulilah berhasil.
Tips dapat Uang dengan Jual Link di Blog
[caption id="attachment_69" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="pembayaran dari jual link"][/caption]Apabila anda mempunyai blog, baik blogspot atau wordpress kenapa tidak mencoba jual link di blog biar dapat uang? Tidak ada salahnya teman-teman mencoba cara ini, lumayan kan buat tambahan side income dan bisa beli jajan dari hasil jualan link. Nah, sekarang acil akan memberi tips agar dapat
Foto saat USG
Foto acil saat di USG sangat lucu. Gerakan acil terlihat jelas dan dokter bilang kalau nanti kemungkinan acil berjenis kelamin laki2 atau cowok.. Tapi tujuan bunda n ayah meng USG bukan pengen tau jenis kelamin acil karena menurut bunda apapun jenis kelaminnya bunda tetap senang dan mensyukuri apa yang telah Allah berikan. Apapun hasil foto saat USG, acil tetap anak ayah dan bunda :D
Terima Paypal dan Jasa Paypal Withdraw
Hello teman-teman Acil semua ... :) Sekarang acil bisa terima Paypal atau jasa Paypal withdraw. Kalau teman2 punya account paypal dan punya paypal balance, tapi bingung mau membelanjakannya atau tidak bisa memwithdraw / transfer ke bank lokal. Sekarang jangan bingung, karena Acil bisa membantu withdraw paypal nya, dengan jasa penukaran $ paypal balance dengan uang rupiah. Jadi kalau teman2 mau
Latah soal Ayu Ting Ting penyanyi Alamat Palsu
[caption id="attachment_53" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Ayu Ting Ting"][/caption]Acil sekarang lagi kena demam penyanyi Ayu Ting Ting. Tidak bisa di pungkiri, penyanyi Alamat palsu ini lagi terkenal, tidak terkecuali si acil kecil sampai ikut latah soal Ayu Ting Ting penyanyi Alamat palsu. :) Dan lucu nya si Acil suka latah menirukan lagu alamat palsu dari Ayu ting ting:
Hiburan di Tretes
[caption id="attachment_49" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="villa di tretes"][/caption]Beberapa waktu lalu, acil dan teman jalan jalan ke Tretes, Pasuruan Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Memang tujuan acil adalah refreshing, liburan dan mencari hiburan di Tretes. Ternyata, hiburan di Tretes cukup mengasyikkan dan acil akan memposting catatan waktu jalan2 ke tretes :)
Tretes itu dataran tinggi
Tretes itu dataran tinggi
Cara Dapat Uang dari Chitika
[caption id="attachment_45" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="chitika payment"][/caption]Beberapa jam yang lalu, acil menerima email dari paypal tentang pemberitahuan payment dari chitika :hore: :)
Acil tidak menyangka, karena cara acil dapat uang dari chitika ini tidak pakai trik khusus dan visitor blog acil bukan dari negara USA, Amerika atau Canada. Yahh ... rezeki sudah ada yang
Acil tidak menyangka, karena cara acil dapat uang dari chitika ini tidak pakai trik khusus dan visitor blog acil bukan dari negara USA, Amerika atau Canada. Yahh ... rezeki sudah ada yang
Tips Dapat Uang dari Bidvertiser
[caption id="attachment_41" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="bidvertiser payment"][/caption]Hari ini Acil menerima pembayaran atau payment dari Bidvertiser. Dengan tips dapat uang dari Bidvertiser, meskipun earning sedikit, tapi wajib di syukuri. karena berapapun jumlah earning/pendapatan kita, itu adalah rezeki dari Tuhan. Bener, kalau teman-teman cewek atau teman cowok mempunyai blog,
Tips Mencairkan Western Union dari Google memakai KTP orang
[caption id="attachment_35" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="struk western union dari google"][/caption]Terus terang, keluarga acil sudah di banned sama google dalam bidang publisher adsense. Dan acil pun tidak patah semangat, dengan meminjam KTP teman, KTP saudara atau KTP pacar, acil pun mencoba mengikuti publisher adsense lagi. Dan alhamdulilah acil diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi
Cara Setting No Frame buat Blog
Biasanya, kalau anda mencari search gambar di google, pasti muncul gambar dan frame hasil dari google search. Kalau anda mempunyai blog dan ingin blog anda tidak di frame di dalam kotak search gambar, ikuti cara setting no frame buat blog wordpress maupun blogspot.
Gampang kok caranya, anda tinggal memasukkan script no frame pada blog anda, dan hasilnya apabila orang mencari gambar, foto,
Gampang kok caranya, anda tinggal memasukkan script no frame pada blog anda, dan hasilnya apabila orang mencari gambar, foto,
Cara untuk membuat Blog terTarget ke Negara tertentu
[caption id="attachment_23" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Cara membuat blog target ke negara tujuan"][/caption]Awalnya acil bingung, kenapa blog kok earning nya kecil. Setelah acil telusuri, ternyata blog itu sebagian besar visitornya dari India, dan memang kalau earning dari India itu impresinya kecil dan harga per cpc nya murah. Lalu bagaimana cara untuk membuat blog tertarget ke
Cara untuk membuat Blog terTarget ke Negara tertentu
[caption id="attachment_23" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Cara membuat blog target ke negara tujuan"][/caption]Awalnya acil bingung, kenapa blog kok earning nya kecil. Setelah acil telusuri, ternyata blog itu sebagian besar visitornya dari India, dan memang kalau earning dari India itu impresinya kecil dan harga per cpc nya murah. Lalu bagaimana cara untuk membuat blog tertarget ke
Tips dapatkan Uang dari Twitter
[caption id="attachment_17" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="payment dari twitter"][/caption]Hello Teman teman ... baik teman acil yang baru atau teman yang lama. Pasti sekarang rekan2 sudah tau dan punya account twitter kan :) Iya ... adalah situs sosial tempat kita bereaksi dengan teman, saudara maupun pacar ;). Seperti di facebook, di twitter kita bisa dapat teman baru,
JUSTIN BIEBER SQUARES OFF AGAINST LUDACRIS AT CELEBRITY CHARITY HOOPS GAME in celebrity press. We already know that Justin Bieber is incredibly competitive on the basketball court. Just ask Maroon 5 singerAdam Levine, who said on late night TV earlier this summer that he and The Biebs engaged in a little shovingduring a good-natured game of hoops. Well, The Biebs stepped back onto the court and squared off with his ‘Baby’ partner, rapper Ludacris. But this time, it was for a good cause.
PressCeleb: The world still thinks Americans are "coolest": poll (Reuters) News
The world still thinks Americans are "coolest": poll (Reuters) in celebrity press. LONDON (Reuters) – They may be witnessing their global superpower influence decline in the face of challenges from other emerging players on the world stage, but Americans have been voted the world's "coolest nationality" in an international poll.Social networking site ( asked 30,000 people across 15 countries to name the coolest nationality and also found that the Spanish were
JUSTIN BIEBER SQUARES OFF AGAINST LUDACRIS AT CELEBRITY CHARITY HOOPS GAME in celebrity press. We already know that Justin Bieber is incredibly competitive on the basketball court. Just ask Maroon 5 singerAdam Levine, who said on late night TV earlier this summer that he and The Biebs engaged in a little shovingduring a good-natured game of hoops. Well, The Biebs stepped back onto the court and squared off with his ‘Baby’ partner, rapper Ludacris. But this time, it was for a good cause.
PressCeleb: Adele looking for more success at Mercury Awards (AP) News
Adele looking for more success at Mercury Awards (AP) in celebrity press. LONDON – British soul singer Adele hopes to cap a spectacular year by winning the Mercury Award for Album of the Year — the U.K. music industry's most prestigious prize for original music.Adele has been dominating album and single charts across the globe since the release of "21" in January. Her single "Someone Like You" has become the summer anthem of 2011.She is one of 12 nominees, including four female
JUSTIN BIEBER SQUARES OFF AGAINST LUDACRIS AT CELEBRITY CHARITY HOOPS GAME in celebrity press. We already know that Justin Bieber is incredibly competitive on the basketball court. Just ask Maroon 5 singerAdam Levine, who said on late night TV earlier this summer that he and The Biebs engaged in a little shovingduring a good-natured game of hoops. Well, The Biebs stepped back onto the court and squared off with his ‘Baby’ partner, rapper Ludacris. But this time, it was for a good cause.
PressCeleb: "New Girl" arrives early via Hulu, iTunes (Reuters) News
"New Girl" arrives early via Hulu, iTunes (Reuters) in celebrity press. NEW YORK ( – Borrowing a launch strategy from cable, Fox will debut its new Zooey Deschanel comedy "The New Girl" online two weeks before it airs on television.While the move could hurt tune-in for the first episode, the network is betting that online buzz and word of mouth will be more than enough to make up for any losses.The show debuts September 20, paired with Fox's hit "Glee," but the pilot is expected
PressCeleb: Chaz Bono says America "really needs" him on "Dancing" (Reuters) News
Chaz Bono says America "really needs" him on "Dancing" (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – The viewing public might be split on Chaz Bono's participation on the upcoming season of "Dancing With the Stars," but the way he sees it, his inclusion on the show is just what the doctor ordered for this country.Reacting to the criticism he's faced sine the Season 13 cast was announced last week, Bono told ABC News, "It's made me realize I'm really glad I'm doing this, because
PressCeleb: Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) News
Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) in celebrity press. By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, Ap Special Correspondent – Sat Sep 3, 4:25 am ETLOS ANGELES – In an 11th hour appeal, lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor sought to overturn a judge's refusal to sequester jurors, arguing they would be "poisoned" by publicity unless they were kept in isolation during the involuntary manslaughter trial.Attorneys late Friday also asked to halt the start
PressCeleb: Jonah Hill Recalls Meeting Britney Spears News
Jonah Hill Recalls Meeting Britney Spears in celebrity press. Back in 2008, Britney Spears opened the VMAs in a pre-taped skit. Alongside comedian Jonah Hill, the singer made her first comeback appearance on the show, forging what has become one of the most fruitful and successful comebacks in pop music history. She went on to take home several Moonmen that night for her clip Source: West Daniella Alonso Melissa
PressCeleb: Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) News
Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) in celebrity press. By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, Ap Special Correspondent – Sat Sep 3, 4:25 am ETLOS ANGELES – In an 11th hour appeal, lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor sought to overturn a judge's refusal to sequester jurors, arguing they would be "poisoned" by publicity unless they were kept in isolation during the involuntary manslaughter trial.Attorneys late Friday also asked to halt the start
PressCeleb: Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) News
Attorneys for Jackson doctor file emergency appeal (AP) in celebrity press. By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, Ap Special Correspondent – Sat Sep 3, 4:25 am ETLOS ANGELES – In an 11th hour appeal, lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor sought to overturn a judge's refusal to sequester jurors, arguing they would be "poisoned" by publicity unless they were kept in isolation during the involuntary manslaughter trial.Attorneys late Friday also asked to halt the start
PressCeleb: Villainy News
Villainy in celebrity press. Tonight I will be attending a book signing and film screening in Hollywood that will be hosted by BFFs and collaborators Marilyn Manson and Shia LaBeouf. Um, that’s right … MM and Shia became friends and collaborated on a new music video … the creation of which is documented in a new book and shortfilm Source: Dominczyk Carmen Electra Lorri Bagley Mandy Moore Christina Milian
PressCeleb: Actor Duhamel returns to flooded ND hometown (AP) News
Actor Duhamel returns to flooded ND hometown (AP) in celebrity press. BISMARCK, N.D. – Hollywood actor Josh Duhamel returned to his hometown of Minot for Labor Day weekend to raise awareness and money for victims of a devastating flood that swamped the North Dakota city this summer."I have pride in where I'm from and just want to help the best way I could," Duhamel told The Associated Press. "People (in Minot) people are as strong as they come. I'm not really worried about the will or spirit
PressCeleb: Things We're Looking Forward To This Fall News
Things We're Looking Forward To This Fall in celebrity press. Today is the last day of August and that means fall is just around the corner. Not only is it our favorite season, it means all of our favorite TV shows will soon be returning, Oscar-caliber movies will start hitting theaters and some hot records will drop.It was an awesome summer for entertainment. At the Source: Howard Hilary Swank Gabrielle Union
PressCeleb: Alice Cooper says Gaga is a female version of him (AP) News
Alice Cooper says Gaga is a female version of him (AP) in celebrity press. Many artists have been compared to Alice Cooper, but the legendary rocker says one stands above them all."Lady Gaga is the female Alice Cooper," the 63-year old rocker said. "She totally gets it."Though their music styles may differ, both inject a heavy dose of theater into their performance, living out fantasies and nightmares on stage. Since the early 1970s, Cooper has used a real guillotine with a forty pound blade
PressCeleb: 'Tucker And Dale' Drawn To This Week's Horror Bites News
'Tucker And Dale' Drawn To This Week's Horror Bites in celebrity press. Tucker and Dale are gearing up to fight evil, but thankfully they've got some help from comic book artist Tony Moore. The "Walking Dead" co-creator supplied this fantastic poster for "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil," which debuted exclusively over at our brother blog Splash Page earlier today. Click the teaser below to see the full Source: Bibb Malin Akerman
PressCeleb: Five things fans may not know about Keanu Reeves (Reuters) News
Five things fans may not know about Keanu Reeves (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – For the amount of time that he's been in the spotlight, Keanu Reeves has managed to retain a remarkable amount of privacy. Charming but evasive in interviews, unwilling to court the paparazzi's flashbulbs for the sake of extended publicity, the "Speed" star has maintained an almost Sphinx-like aura of mystery.But despite Reeves' best efforts to remain enigmatic, a few details about the
PressCeleb: Srk?s ?Get Well Soon? message for Salman News
Srk?s ?Get Well Soon? message for Salman in celebrity press. Well, it seems the alleged enmity between the two Khans of tinsel town Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan is going to end very soon as Srk has decided to put behind all his past differences and is praying for Salman?s good health. Salman, who is suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia, a nerve disorder that causes severe Source: Snowdon
PressCeleb: Spice Girl Mel B gives birth to baby girl (Reuters) News
Spice Girl Mel B gives birth to baby girl (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Singer Mel B, who rose to fame with British girl band Spice Girls, has given birth to a baby girl.The 36-year-old, whose full name is Melanie Brown, is married to film producer Stephen Belafonte. She took to Twitter to announce the arrival, posting an update in the early hours of Friday morning."Finally our baby arrives, Stephen nearly passed out, Phoenix screamed, I laughed so hard the baby
PressCeleb: Spanish duchess: I'm still in control of fortune (AP) News
Spanish duchess: I'm still in control of fortune (AP) in celebrity press. MADRID – One of Spain's richest women, who is set to marry for a third time at 85, acknowledges she had to overcome opposition among her children to the wedding but insists she still controls her immense wealth.In her first comments on the wedding announced last week, the Duchess of Alba told Hola! magazine it was not outside pressure that made her divide some of her riches among her six children before the marriage."I
PressCeleb: Listen: Ryan Adams Covers ?Wasted Years? By Iron Maiden News
Listen: Ryan Adams Covers ?Wasted Years? By Iron Maiden in celebrity press. Ryan Adams will be releasing a new album this October and to promote the disc he made an in-studio appearance on BBC Radio 2 earlier this week and performed an acoustic cover of the Iron Maiden song Wasted Years. Those of you familiar with Ryan‘s style should know by now that he deffo make the Source: Harring Chandra West Daniella Alonso Melissa
PressCeleb: Mehta: Arab Spring may be upbeat for Israel Philharmonic (Reuters) News
Mehta: Arab Spring may be upbeat for Israel Philharmonic (Reuters) in celebrity press. LONDON (Reuters) – Indian-born conductor Zubin Mehta is touring the world with the Israel Philharmonic celebrating its 75th anniversary and his 50th with them, but what he'd like to do is add more Arab capitals to the repertoire.Mehta, who is the same age as the orchestra which gave its first concert in 1936, said as he prepared to conduct a concert at the BBC Proms in London on Thursday night that the
PressCeleb: Kareena, Preity mend burnt bridges News
Kareena, Preity mend burnt bridges in celebrity press. Having warred for several years, tinsel town beauties Kareena Kapoor and Preity Zinta have finally ironed out their differences and have buried the hatchet. The chirpy actress who was invited by Salman Khan at the special screening of his latest release ?Bodyguard? at YRF Studios was seen showering praises on Bebo and Salman. Preity complimented Source: Howard
PressCeleb: Exclusive: Condoleezza Rice fires back at Cheney memoir (Reuters) News
Exclusive: Condoleezza Rice fires back at Cheney memoir (Reuters) in celebrity press. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday she resented what she viewed as an attack on her integrity by former Vice President Dick Cheney in his just-published memoir.Speaking in an interview with Reuters, Rice rejected Cheney's contention that she misled President George W. Bush about nuclear diplomacy with North Korea."I kept the president fully and completely
PressCeleb: Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Talks Earthquake Relief Show News
Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Talks Earthquake Relief Show in celebrity press. 'It's especially an honor to be able to give back to the Japanese community that's been so devastated and been so great in supporting us,' Bennington says.By Gil Kaufman, with reporting by Vanessa Whitewolf Chester Bennington of Linkin Park performs to raise money for Japanese tsunami relief in Los Angeles Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images Linkin Park got together with 1,100 of their biggest fans on
PressCeleb: Unpack Rats News
Unpack Rats in celebrity press. So … our grand plans to hang out with Emma and Josh last night never worked out. David and I got totally wrapped up in moving and unpacking stuff. We still had a bit of leftover stuff to remove from our old condo so that’s pretty much how we spent our evening/night. Despite the fact Source: Marcum Melissa George Jennifer Garner Monika Kramlik Adrianne Curry Georgina Grenville
PressCeleb: Justin Bieber, his Ferrari fine after minor crash (AP) News
Justin Bieber, his Ferrari fine after minor crash (AP) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES – Justin Bieber and his Ferrari are both fine after a fender-bender in Los Angeles.Los Angeles Police Officer Gregory Baek says the 17-year-old singer was involved in "a very minor collision" Tuesday afternoon in LA's Studio City.The officer said no one was injured or cited and no police report was taken. There was no visible damage to Bieber's car or the Honda Civic involved in the crash.Bieber recently
PressCeleb: Bravo TV Will Air A Special ?Suicide Edition? Of ?The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills? News
Bravo TV Will Air A Special ?Suicide Edition? Of ?The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills? in celebrity press. In the wake of the suicide of reality TV star Russell Armstrong, it was reported a couple of weeks ago that Bravo TV was planning to postpone the season 2 premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Today we learn that Bravo has decided NOT to postpone the September 5 premiere of the new Source: Heming Kristin
PressCeleb: Review: Reggae gone country weird but good (AP) News
Review: Reggae gone country weird but good (AP) in celebrity press. Various Artists, "Reggae's Gone Country" (Warner Music Nashville and VP Records)Imagine that a nightclub accidentally booked two wildly different acts — one reggae, one country — for the same night, and instead of one backing out, the bands decided to jam together. That's "Reggae's Gone Country," 14 tracks of covers that sound, at first blush, like a musical accident full of twangy guitars and reggae beats, but overall a
PressCeleb: Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Doctor's Office Duo News
Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Doctor's Office Duo in celebrity press. With their relationship moving full steam ahead, Jennifer Aniston was alongside boyfriend Justin Theroux for a doctor's appointment in Beverly Hills, CA on Wednesday (August 31). The former "Friends" star sucked on a fresh lollipop as she hopped into the passenger seat of her car while her actor beau followed closely along after the midday checkup. The outing comes just as Miss Aniston's new TV effort "Project Five"
PressCeleb: Angelina Jolie dismisses talk of marriage, babies (Reuters) News
Angelina Jolie dismisses talk of marriage, babies (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Angelina Jolie has dismissed ongoing speculation about marriage and more kids with her partner Brad Pitt, telling Vanity Fair in an interview published on Tuesday that there are "no secret wedding plans."The Oscar-winning actress revealed details of her upcoming wartime romance film, "In the Land of Blood and Honey," which she directed. She told Vanity Fair magazine that she feared
PressCeleb: Why Did Lady Gaga Go To VMAs As Jo Calderone? News
Why Did Lady Gaga Go To VMAs As Jo Calderone? in celebrity press. Creative director Laurieann Gibson takes MTV News behind Gaga's 'performance art.'By Jocelyn Vena, with additional reporting by Christina Garibaldi Lady Gaga performs at the 2011 VMAs Photo: Getty Images When Lady Gaga showed up at the 2011 Video Music Awards, she wasn't Lady Gaga anymore; she was Jo Calderone. Gaga's creative director, Laurieann Gibson, spoke to MTV News days before the show went live, and she
PressCeleb: VMAs Drive Record-Breaking 10 Million Tweets News
VMAs Drive Record-Breaking 10 Million Tweets in celebrity press. Beyoncé's pregnancy and Lady Gaga's over-the-top fashion just a few of the Twitter Trends.By Eric Ditzian Beyoncé set the record for the most mentions on Twitter per second with 8,868 Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images Lady Gaga tweeted about her Little Monsters. Kim Kardashian tweeted about Beyoncé's baby-bump secret. Those Twitter updates and millions more made the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards the most
PressCeleb: The top 10 singles and albums on iTunes (AP) News
The top 10 singles and albums on iTunes (AP) in celebrity press. iTunes' top 10 selling singles and albums of the week ending Aug. 29, 2011:Singles:1. "Moves Like Jagger (Studio Recording from `The Voice' Performance) (feat. Christina Aguilera)," Maroon 52. "Pumped Up Kicks," Foster the People3. "Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine)," Gym Class Heroes4. "Cheers (Drink to That)," Rihanna5. "Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars)," Bad Meets Evil6. "Party Rock Anthem (feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock),"
PressCeleb: Tell Us Which VMA Performance Was Your Favorite News
Tell Us Which VMA Performance Was Your Favorite in celebrity press. Everybody is still talking about last night?s MTV Video Music Awards!From Beyonce?s baby bump reveal at the end of her smashing take on ?Love on Top? (which is maybe our favorite song on the amazing 4) to Lady Gaga?s in-character performance of ?You and I,? the show brought us some truly epic moments.But while Gaga Source: Gugino The Pussycat Dolls Mary
PressCeleb: Lil Wayne Celebrates Post-VMA Release Of Tha Carter IV News
Lil Wayne Celebrates Post-VMA Release Of Tha Carter IV in celebrity press. 'Wayne dropped his album at the VMAs like a boss,' Rick Ross says at release party held at Hollywood nightclub.By Alvin Blanco Lil Wayne in "How To Love" Photo: Universal Motown Lil Wayne closed out Sunday's 2011 MTV VMAs by singing, rapping and rocking, but his night was actually just getting started. Tha Carter IV became available at midnight, and Weezy celebrated the album's long-awaited release at the
PressCeleb: Angelina Jolie Tells ?Vanity Fair? That There Is ?No Secret Wedding? In The Works News
Angelina Jolie Tells ?Vanity Fair? That There Is ?No Secret Wedding? In The Works in celebrity press. Despite rumors to the contrary that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are planning a “secret wedding” or that she is either secretly pregs or secretly planning to adopt more children, Ange sets the record straight in a new coverstory interview with Vanity Fair denying that any of these rumors are true. Ange also talks to Source:
PressCeleb: Dean Sheremet & Sarah Silver Tie the Knot! News
Dean Sheremet & Sarah Silver Tie the Knot! in celebrity press. After his marriage with LeAnn Rimes quickly fizzled in 2009, Dean Sheremet has settled down into another go at wedded bliss with a woman named Sarah Silver. The dancer-turned chef posted a video of the newlyweds stepping out of a City Clerk?s office in New York City wearing a gray suit with no tie while his photographer bride sported a one-shoulder red dress, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Happy happy day," the blog post reads.
PressCeleb: Hollywood does not attract Imran News
Hollywood does not attract Imran in celebrity press. Where most of the B?town stars (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, Mallika Sherawat, Sushmita Sen, Bipasha Basu to name a few) are going west or trying to foray into the international arena, youth icon Imran Khan is one actor who is not fascinated by Hollywood. He admits that Hollywood is not his thing and rather Source: Perry Drea de Matteo Megan Ewing Jennifer
PressCeleb: Crews Finish Work On The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage Ahead Of Tonight's Big Show News
Crews Finish Work On The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage Ahead Of Tonight's Big Show in celebrity press. Today is the big day!Tonight at 9 PM, the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards will be coming to you live from Los Angeles. Out in LA, crews are busy finishing work on the black carpet and pre-show stage where music?s biggest stars will strut their stuff at the JW Marriott Los Angeles before heading into Source:
PressCeleb: 2011 VMAs: Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Footage Of Lady Gaga, Beyonce + More That You May Have Missed! News
2011 VMAs: Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Footage Of Lady Gaga, Beyonce + More That You May Have Missed! in celebrity press. Credit: Getty ImagesSo yes, everyone's talking about Lady Gaga as Jo Calderone and little Jayonce (Beyonce and Jay-Z's baby!) and Bruno Mars' tribute to Amy Winehouse, but what about the stuff you might have missed at the 2011 VMAs? MTV had their cameras set up virtually everywhere at the VMAs and they allowed visitors to Source:
PressCeleb: Watch: The ?Femme Fatale? Tour Dancers Pay Tribute To Britney Spears News
Watch: The ?Femme Fatale? Tour Dancers Pay Tribute To Britney Spears in celebrity press. While the prevalent belief among most people is that MTV really dropped the ball with their very short, very disappointing tribute to Britney Spears last night, it looks like her Femme Fatale Tour dancers have picked up the slack and have put together a tribute very fitting for the our dear Britney. With less than Source: Rossum Mischa
PressCeleb: Salman to undergo jaw surgery News
Salman to undergo jaw surgery in celebrity press. Salman Khan who has been going through a lot of discomfort for sometime now has finally decided to undergo a jaw surgery. The actor has been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia or the suicide disease and aneurysm. Khan although thought to delay the operation and has been taking acupuncture sessions for it. But now the pain Source: Swisten Leslie Bibb Kristin Kreuk Jordana
PressCeleb: L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) News
L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – In March of 2009, when the Annenberg Space for Photography opened in Century City in Los Angeles, the most remarked-upon guest at the gala was David LaChapelle's date, Courtney Love.I thought of Love during an unveiling of images late last week at the Annenberg -- all taken over the last two decades by Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx -- when he put up a photo of a homeless woman
PressCeleb: Here's Where Lady Gaga Will Sit Before Her VMA Performance! News
Here's Where Lady Gaga Will Sit Before Her VMA Performance! in celebrity press. Even the first time I met Lady Gaga when she came to MTV in 2008, she didn't even seem like a human. Since then, she's made meat a fashion statement, hatched herself out of an egg, created a monster army, invented the first half woman/ half motorcycle hybrid and NEVER. STOPPED. WORKING. So it's hard Source: Bedingfield Christina
PressCeleb: L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) News
L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – In March of 2009, when the Annenberg Space for Photography opened in Century City in Los Angeles, the most remarked-upon guest at the gala was David LaChapelle's date, Courtney Love.I thought of Love during an unveiling of images late last week at the Annenberg -- all taken over the last two decades by Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx -- when he put up a photo of a homeless woman
PressCeleb: 'Ghostbusters 3' Will Shoot Next Year With Or Without Bill Murray, Says Dan Aykroyd News
'Ghostbusters 3' Will Shoot Next Year With Or Without Bill Murray, Says Dan Aykroyd in celebrity press. "Ghostbusters 3" is going to begin filming next year. Sony and leading man Bill Murray just don't know it yet.Outspoken "Ghostbusters" star Dan Aykroyd is swirling the rumor mill again, this time on "The Dennis Miller Show." He told Miller that the plan is to get the movie in front of the camera within the Source:
PressCeleb: L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) News
L.A. gallery showcases photos of rocker Nikki Sixx (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – In March of 2009, when the Annenberg Space for Photography opened in Century City in Los Angeles, the most remarked-upon guest at the gala was David LaChapelle's date, Courtney Love.I thought of Love during an unveiling of images late last week at the Annenberg -- all taken over the last two decades by Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx -- when he put up a photo of a homeless woman
PressCeleb: Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva settle child custody (Reuters) News
Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva settle child custody (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Mel Gibson and his ex-girlfriend on Friday settled a deeply bitter custody dispute over their young daughter which led to the Oscar winner's plea of no contest to domestic violence earlier this year.Los Angeles Superior Court said in a statement an agreement was complete and terms will be heard on August 31. A spokesman for the "Braveheart" film director confirmed the parties had
PressCeleb: Aamir, Gauri avoid each other at a bash News
Aamir, Gauri avoid each other at a bash in celebrity press. There were some spots of tension at music composers, Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani and Loy Mendonsa?s recent party. The trio threw a party on Wednesday, at a suburban nightspot, to celebrate their 15-year long partnership. They had invited their close Bollywood buddies to join them in the festivity. However, their guests, Aamir Khan and Gauri Source:
PressCeleb: Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva settle child custody (Reuters) News
Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva settle child custody (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Mel Gibson and his ex-girlfriend on Friday settled a deeply bitter custody dispute over their young daughter which led to the Oscar winner's plea of no contest to domestic violence earlier this year.Los Angeles Superior Court said in a statement an agreement was complete and terms will be heard on August 31. A spokesman for the "Braveheart" film director confirmed the parties had
PressCeleb: What Will Lady Gaga Wear To The VMAs? Hit Twitter To Get In On The Fun News
What Will Lady Gaga Wear To The VMAs? Hit Twitter To Get In On The Fun in celebrity press. One of the big mysteries surrounding Sunday night?s MTV Video Music Awards is just what in the holy hell will Lady Gaga wear. The Haus of Gaga stole the show with last year?s sweaty meat dress. In 2009, Lady G rocked a fluffy bird?s nest head wrap, a red lace Alexander McQueen show stopper Source: Lujan Fernández Melissa
PressCeleb: Minka Kelly, Derek Jeter strike out (Reuters) News
Minka Kelly, Derek Jeter strike out (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Actress Minka Kelly and New York Yankees star Derek Jeter, once the subject of engagement talk, have ended their three-year relationship, a representative for Kelly told People magazine on Friday.The "amicable" breakup, as described by Kelly's representative, arrives amid career milestones for both. Jeter, 37, marked his 3,000th career hit in July, with Kelly on hand for the event at Yankee Stadium. The
PressCeleb: Tori Amos Releases An EPK Promo Video For ?Night Of Hunters? News
Tori Amos Releases An EPK Promo Video For ?Night Of Hunters? in celebrity press. With just under a month to go until the release of Tori Amos‘s new album Night of Hunters we are getting closer and closer to hearing in full the masterpiece that Tori has in store for us. The official website for Decca Records has been updated with an electronic press kit video that features behind Source: Swank Gabrielle Union Katharine
PressCeleb: Buckingham: Fleetwood Mac could tour, record again (AP) News
Buckingham: Fleetwood Mac could tour, record again (AP) in celebrity press. By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen, Ap Entertainment Writer – Thu Aug 25, 9:21 pm ETLOS ANGELES – Fleetwood Mac could be back on the road soon.Lindsey Buckingham says the band is considering another tour and even recording a new album in the near future.The guitarist, songwriter and producer says there have been "a lot of rumblings" about another Fleetwood Mac tour, but that nothing is on the
PressCeleb: Watch Live As Crews Build The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage News
Watch Live As Crews Build The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage in celebrity press. Here in the MTV Newsroom, we delight in taking you behind the scenes of the biggest and best events MTV has to offer to give you a taste of the excitement. If you?ve ever wondered what all goes in to putting together a massive show like the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, the video below Source: Richards
PressCeleb: Buckingham: Fleetwood Mac could tour, record again (AP) News
Buckingham: Fleetwood Mac could tour, record again (AP) in celebrity press. By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen, Ap Entertainment Writer – Thu Aug 25, 9:21 pm ETLOS ANGELES – Fleetwood Mac could be back on the road soon.Lindsey Buckingham says the band is considering another tour and even recording a new album in the near future.The guitarist, songwriter and producer says there have been "a lot of rumblings" about another Fleetwood Mac tour, but that nothing is on the
PressCeleb: Watch Live As Crews Build The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage News
Watch Live As Crews Build The VMA Black Carpet And Pre-Show Stage in celebrity press. Here in the MTV Newsroom, we delight in taking you behind the scenes of the biggest and best events MTV has to offer to give you a taste of the excitement. If you?ve ever wondered what all goes in to putting together a massive show like the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, the video below Source: Richards
PressCeleb: Jaime Pressly pleads no contest to drunken driving (AP) News
Jaime Pressly pleads no contest to drunken driving (AP) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES – Actress Jaime Pressly has been sentenced to three years of informal probation after pleading no contest to drunken driving. Santa Monica Deputy City Attorney Melanie Skehar says Pressly's attorney entered the plea Thursday for the former star of "My Name is Earl."Pressly was also ordered to attend a six-month alcohol education class. Skehar says the Department of Motor Vehicles is also requiring an
PressCeleb: RI `Survivor' winner won't get free lawyer (AP) News
RI `Survivor' winner won't get free lawyer (AP) in celebrity press. PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A Rhode Island judge is refusing to grant free legal counsel to help the winner of the first season of the CBS reality show "Survivor" appeal a nine-month prison sentence.Judge William Smith on Thursday rejected 50-year-old Richard Hatch's request for a court-appointed attorney to help him fight the sentence handed down in March for violating the terms of his supervised release by failing to settle his tax
PressCeleb: Toxicology leaves Winehouse death riddle unsolved (Reuters) News
Toxicology leaves Winehouse death riddle unsolved (Reuters) in celebrity press. LONDON (Reuters) – Toxicology results released to the family of singer Amy Winehouse this week raised almost as many questions as they answered, experts said Wednesday, keeping the cause of the "Rehab" singer's death a mystery.The Winehouse family issued a statement Tuesday saying no illegal substances were found in the 27-year-old's system following her death at her north London home on July 23.The absence of
PressCeleb: Hilary Duff Begins To Show Signs Of A Baby Bump News
Hilary Duff Begins To Show Signs Of A Baby Bump in celebrity press. Early last week we learned that popstar/actress Hilary Duff is pregnant with her first child with hubby Mike Comrie and today we get our first look at Hil D‘s burgeoning baby bump. Granted, she’s not really bumping out all the much just yet but her loose-fitting clothing seems to show that she is starting to Source: Carreno Noureen DeWulf
PressCeleb: Redmond O'Neal takes plea on drug charge, gets rehab (Reuters) News
Redmond O'Neal takes plea on drug charge, gets rehab (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Redmond O'Neal, the troubled son of the late Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal, pleaded no contest to drug and weapons charges on Wednesday and was ordered to spend a year in a live-in rehabilitation program.O'Neal, 26, was arrested in Los Angeles earlier this month after police found heroin and marijuana in his car following a routine traffic stop for running a red light.After his arrest,
PressCeleb: Hilary Duff Begins To Show Signs Of A Baby Bump News
Hilary Duff Begins To Show Signs Of A Baby Bump in celebrity press. Early last week we learned that popstar/actress Hilary Duff is pregnant with her first child with hubby Mike Comrie and today we get our first look at Hil D‘s burgeoning baby bump. Granted, she’s not really bumping out all the much just yet but her loose-fitting clothing seems to show that she is starting to Source: Carreno Noureen DeWulf
PressCeleb: Redmond O'Neal takes plea on drug charge, gets rehab (Reuters) News
Redmond O'Neal takes plea on drug charge, gets rehab (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Redmond O'Neal, the troubled son of the late Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal, pleaded no contest to drug and weapons charges on Wednesday and was ordered to spend a year in a live-in rehabilitation program.O'Neal, 26, was arrested in Los Angeles earlier this month after police found heroin and marijuana in his car following a routine traffic stop for running a red light.After his arrest,
PressCeleb: Streisand pays tribute to songwriting 'family' (AP) News
Streisand pays tribute to songwriting 'family' (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Oscar-winning songwriting greats Alan and Marilyn Bergman rarely wrote a song with Barbra Streisand in mind.In fact, Streisand was often the one who had to approach them when she found a Bergman song that she wanted to claim as her own."Normally, over the years, we have never played her songs; she just heard them elsewhere," recalls Marilyn Bergman. "Once she saw a song sitting on the piano, and saw the title,
PressCeleb: 'Hunger Games' At The VMAs: Our Favorite Quotes News
'Hunger Games' At The VMAs: Our Favorite Quotes in celebrity press. FROM HOLLYWOOD CRUSH: Hungry yet? In just four days, MTV will reward your appetite for all things "Hunger Games" by debuting the very first footage from the highly anticipated March 23, 2012 release! It all goes down at this year's Video Music Awards airing Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT.Star Jennifer Lawrence, who plays bow-and-arrow-wielding heroine Source: Pratt
PressCeleb: Blake Griffin begins internship at Funny Or Die (AP) News
Blake Griffin begins internship at Funny Or Die (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Stymied by the NBA lockout, Blake Griffin is going to work for Will Ferrell instead.This week, the Los Angeles Clippers All-Star forward is interning at Funny Or Die, the comedy website co-founded by Ferrell and Adam McKay. Griffin arrived at the site's LA offices Tuesday to begin three days of work in video production.He will help write, shoot, edit and act in several videos for the site. Funny Or Die
PressCeleb: Star Spotting: Katy Perry Shows Her True Colors News
Star Spotting: Katy Perry Shows Her True Colors in celebrity press. Credit: Pacific Coast NewsThat's it, I'm calling Crayola and demanding they name a crayon after Katy Perry. Forget "Razzle Dazzle Rose" or "Jazberry Jam Fushia," those labels are so desperate for an upgrade. How about "Katy Perry Pink?" Like her newly pink hair (!!!!!!!!!!!).Crayon or not, the "E.T." singer was sporting some major hues Source:
PressCeleb: Blake Griffin begins internship at Funny Or Die (AP) News
Blake Griffin begins internship at Funny Or Die (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Stymied by the NBA lockout, Blake Griffin is going to work for Will Ferrell instead.This week, the Los Angeles Clippers All-Star forward is interning at Funny Or Die, the comedy website co-founded by Ferrell and Adam McKay. Griffin arrived at the site's LA offices Tuesday to begin three days of work in video production.He will help write, shoot, edit and act in several videos for the site. Funny Or Die
PressCeleb: Watch: OK Go And The Muppets, ?The Muppet Show? Theme Song News
Watch: OK Go And The Muppets, ?The Muppet Show? Theme Song in celebrity press. Last week we got to stream the entirety of Muppets: The Green Album which is a collection of Muppets songs performed by today’s rock bands and musicians. Today we get to check out the music video for The Muppet Show Theme Song as performed by Ok Go with a little help from The Muppets themselves. Source: Sevigny Nadine Velazquez
PressCeleb: Uncle Frank of 'Kimmel Show' fame dies at 77 (AP) News
Uncle Frank of 'Kimmel Show' fame dies at 77 (AP) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES – Frank Potenza, a former New York City police officer who turned to comedy as "Uncle Frank" on his nephew Jimmy Kimmel's late-night talk show, died early Tuesday. He was 77.A statement from ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" said Potenza was "beloved by his co-workers and considered an uncle to all.""His kindness and humor will be missed by everyone he touched," the statement said. It did not include further
PressCeleb: Cody Horn circling Channing Tatum's stripper drama (Reuters) News
Cody Horn circling Channing Tatum's stripper drama (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – Channing Tatum may soon be bumping and grinding for a genuine Hollywood princess.Cody Horn, the daughter of former Warner Bros. president and COO Alan Horn, is circling Tatum's male stripper drama, "Magic Mike," TheWrap has confirmed.ThePlaylist first reported her casting.Horn would play Tatum's love interest in the film.Steven Soderbergh is set to direct the semi-autobiographical
PressCeleb: Eminem And Bruno Mars Rise Up In New 'Lighters' Video News
Eminem And Bruno Mars Rise Up In New 'Lighters' Video in celebrity press. Em and Royce Da 5'9" emerge from the darkness and find enlightenment in the new clip.By James Montgomery Eminem Photo: Michael Caulfield/WireImage Given its general grittiness (and the fact that it's called Hell: The Sequel), Eminem and Royce Da 5'9" 's Bad Meets Evil album seems like the last place you'd ever find Bruno Mars. And yet, the pompadour-powered crooner shows up to sing the hook on "Lighters" (he
PressCeleb: Letterman back at work after website death threat (AP) News
Letterman back at work after website death threat (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Even a fatwa is grist for comedy when you're David Letterman.Back from two weeks' vacation and making his first TV appearance since a threat against his life was posted on a jihadist website, the "Late Show" host played it all for laughs during Monday's monologue.Letterman began by thanking his studio audience for being there."Tonight," he said, "you people are more, to me, honestly, than an audience —
PressCeleb: Captain America Gets His Nails Did News
Captain America Gets His Nails Did in celebrity press. Last Summer, we saw a few cute photos of Gwen Stefani and her eldest son Kingston James McGregor enjoying a trip together to the manicurist. Today we learn that Gwen‘s youngest son Zuma Nesta Rock wanted to get in on the nail polishing fun and got himself a manicure and pedicure of his own. As Source: Miko Tara Reid
PressCeleb: "Ghost" musical to appear on Broadway (Reuters) News
"Ghost" musical to appear on Broadway (Reuters) in celebrity press. NEW YORK (Reuters) – The musical adaptation of the hit movie "Ghost," written by former Eurythmics musician Dave Stewart, will open on Broadway in April, 2012, representatives for the musical said on Monday."Ghost The Musical" is being transferred from a run in London where it received mixed reviews. The Broadway version begins previews in March and will again be directed by Matthew Warchus, who won a Tony Award for the
PressCeleb: Review: Game reunites with Dr. Dre on "R.E.D" (AP) News
Review: Game reunites with Dr. Dre on "R.E.D" (AP) in celebrity press. By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr., Associated Press Jonathan Landrum Jr., Associated Press – Mon Aug 22, 2:44 pm ETGame, "The R.E.D. Album" (Aftermath/Interscope Records)When the Game was dumped by mentor Dr. Dre after a feud with 50 Cent a few years ago, the Compton rapper used the split as an opportunity to show he could survive on his own, and he succeeded with two solid albums since his multi-platinum, Dre-produced debut,
PressCeleb: Daniel Radcliffe Finds Love With A New Lady News
Daniel Radcliffe Finds Love With A New Lady in celebrity press. Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has got himself a new ladylove and he seems quite happy to show her off on the streets of NYC. Daniel and his new girlfriend, Rosanne Coker, was spotted this week hand in hand in NYC together lookin’ supercute. As you may know, Daniel has confessed a love of older Source: Greene Emma Watson
PressCeleb: Machine Gun Kelly Arrested After Organizing A Flash Mob News
Machine Gun Kelly Arrested After Organizing A Flash Mob in celebrity press. Diddy signee charged with disorderly conduct following gathering in Cleveland mall. Photo: Johnny Nunez/ WireImage Source: Rycroft MÃa Maestro
PressCeleb: Lady Gaga's Wild VMA History: What Will 2011 Bring? News
Lady Gaga's Wild VMA History: What Will 2011 Bring? in celebrity press. Video Music Awards icon will open the August 28 awards show.By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Sway Calloway Lady Gaga performing "Paparazzi" at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards Photo: Christopher Polk/ Getty Images Lady Gaga is already a VMA icon. Since she first made her VMA debut in 2009, she has become a force to be reckoned with. She annually makes headlines for her fierce sense of style, her fierce sense of
PressCeleb: Bipasha goes back to the Bhatt camp News
Bipasha goes back to the Bhatt camp in celebrity press. It seems bong beauty Bipasha Basu is mending burnt bridges these days. After patching up with Salman Khan, now the actress has ironed out her differences with the Bhatt camp. Bips had a bitter fallout with Bhatt brothers Mukesh and Mahesh when she refused to be a part of their thriller ?Murder2?. At that time Source: Canadas Jennifer Gimenez
PressCeleb: Beyonce At NYC's Roseland Ballroom: Concert Review News
Beyonce At NYC's Roseland Ballroom: Concert Review in celebrity press. Credit all photos: Jenna RubensteinLet me set the scene for you: Beyonc? --- the Queen, the diva, the "second coming" of Michael Jackson according to her man Jay-Z, set to perform four intimate shows at NYC's acclaimed Roseland Ballroom. The tickets sold out in a RIDIC 22 seconds, but somehow I managed to Source: Swisten Leslie Bibb
PressCeleb: Mead's new vampire spinoff manages to stand apart (AP) News
Mead's new vampire spinoff manages to stand apart (AP) in celebrity press. "Bloodlines" (Razorbill), by Richelle Mead: Sydney doesn't have time to worry about pimples or a date to the prom. Instead, she's worried about the vampire princess she's sworn to protect to avoid a civil war that would likely cost human lives.Richelle Mead's young adult "Bloodlines" is set in the same world of the Moroi, Strigoi and dhampirs (human-vampire hybrids) as her Vampire Academy Series, which she completed in
PressCeleb: Rooney Mara And Daniel Craig Meet In New 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Stills News
Rooney Mara And Daniel Craig Meet In New 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Stills in celebrity press. Two new stills from "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" have hit the web, though we still haven't seen the titular dragon tattoo yet. Come on!The first shows Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander and Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist poring over some papers that very likely have to do with the Vanger case that sits Source:
PressCeleb: Nero knocks Amy Winehouse off top of UK album chart (Reuters) News
Nero knocks Amy Winehouse off top of UK album chart (Reuters) in celebrity press. LONDON (Reuters) – The late soul singer Amy Winehouse, whose album "Back to Black" spent three weeks at number one on the UK charts after her unexpected death last month, lost the top spot to the debut album from dance music act Nero on Sunday.Nero's dubstep-influenced album "Welcome Reality" also overtook chart staple Adele's "21", which held the second spot, pushing Winehouse's "Back to Black" to number
PressCeleb: Genelia?s new love interest Rana Daggubati News
Genelia?s new love interest Rana Daggubati in celebrity press. Genelia D?Souza secretly dating Riteish Deshmukh is an old one by now. What is new is that the bubbly starlet has found a new arm candy. She is reportedly seeing Telugu actor Rana Daggubati. The news is doing the rounds that the young stars who are shooting together for their forthcoming movie ?Naa Ishtam? have Source: Aniston Angelina
PressCeleb: ?Snow White And The Huntsman? Begins Filming In England News
?Snow White And The Huntsman? Begins Filming In England in celebrity press. Last month we got our first look at the first promo images from the upcoming fairytale film Snow White and the Huntsman, which stars Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth and others. Today we get to see the first photos from the Snow White set. Altho none of the principle actors have yet to be Source: Hilton Dido
PressCeleb: Tony Bennett to get champagne celebration at Open (AP) News
Tony Bennett to get champagne celebration at Open (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Tony Bennett turned 85 earlier this month, but his birthday celebration continues, and will be part of this year's U.S. Open.Bennett, a big tennis fan, will be feted at the Open's president's box before the opening ceremonies on Aug. 29 with Moet & Chandon, which is sponsoring the tennis grand slam for the first time this year. He'll autograph a special bottle, which will be auctioned for charity during a
PressCeleb: Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer News
Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Tony Bennett to get champagne celebration at Open (AP) News
Tony Bennett to get champagne celebration at Open (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Tony Bennett turned 85 earlier this month, but his birthday celebration continues, and will be part of this year's U.S. Open.Bennett, a big tennis fan, will be feted at the Open's president's box before the opening ceremonies on Aug. 29 with Moet & Chandon, which is sponsoring the tennis grand slam for the first time this year. He'll autograph a special bottle, which will be auctioned for charity during a
PressCeleb: Jackson doctor asks to sequester jury during trial (AP) News
Jackson doctor asks to sequester jury during trial (AP) in celebrity press. By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – Fri Aug 19, 9:34 pm ETLOS ANGELES – The doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death has asked a judge to sequester jurors in the physician's upcoming involuntary manslaughter trial, citing coverage of the Casey Anthony case and the threat of information leaks on social media.The filing Thursday by attorneys for Dr. Conrad
PressCeleb: Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer News
Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Movie Scores: How the critics rated the new movies (AP) News
Movie Scores: How the critics rated the new movies (AP) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES – Conan is a fearless and muscular warrior, but he isn't winning the battle with film critics.The remake of "Conan the Barbarian," with Jason Momoa in the role that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a major action star, is receiving below-average reviews in its opening weekend. AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire wrote in her one-star review: "The knowing sense of big, ridiculous fun that marked the 1982 original is
PressCeleb: Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer News
Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer News
Grave Encounters Poster Official Trailer in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Jason Momoa eyes breakout film role in "Conan" (Reuters) News
Jason Momoa eyes breakout film role in "Conan" (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Jason Momoa may not be a household name from Hollywood yet, but neither was Arnold Schwarzenegger when he took on the title role of "Conan the Barbarian" in 1982.Nearly 30 years later, Momoa could see a similar starmaking trajectory if moviegoers embrace him as the new, 3D incarnation of "Conan the Barbarian," due in theaters on Friday. If there's one person who hopes they will, it is
PressCeleb: Prostate problem made Depardieu pee on plane: friend (Reuters) News
Prostate problem made Depardieu pee on plane: friend (Reuters) in celebrity press. PARIS (Reuters) – French actor Gerard Depardieu was humiliated and apologized to fellow passengers when prostate problems forced him to urinate in front of them during takeoff on an Air France flight this week, a friend said.Fellow actor Edouard Baer, who was traveling with the 62-year-old film star on the flight to Dublin to film the latest "Asterix and Obelix" movie, said Depardieu had tried to urinate in a
PressCeleb: Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 News
Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 News
Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 News
Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 News
Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 News
Rock (Dwayne Johnson) Central Character In G.I.Joe 2 in celebrity press.
PressCeleb: California Supreme Court turns down Phil Spector appeal (Reuters) News
California Supreme Court turns down Phil Spector appeal (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The California Supreme Court declined on Wednesday to review the 2009 murder conviction of music producer Phil Spector, turning down an appeal that had been filed by his attorneys.Spector's lawyers had asked the state's highest court to take another look at the case after a three-justice panel from the California 2nd District Court of Appeal earlier this year upheld his conviction of
PressCeleb: Fox says Jennifer Lopez back for "American Idol" (Reuters) News
Fox says Jennifer Lopez back for "American Idol" (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Jennifer Lopez has signed up for a second season as a judge on "American Idol", Fox television officials said on Wednesday, ending months of speculation about her return.Lopez will join already Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and record producer Randy Jackson for the 11th season of the singing talent show which will begin airing on January 22, Fox said."Having both Jennifer and Steven
PressCeleb: George Clooney comedy to close New York Film Festival (Reuters) News
George Clooney comedy to close New York Film Festival (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – Alexander Payne's eagerly awaited comedy "The Descendants" will serve as the closing-night attraction at the New York Film Festival, the Film Society of Lincoln Center announced on Wednesday. The film, featuring George Clooney as a father whose life is shaken when his wife is injured in a boating accident, is Payne's first since the Oscar winner "Sideways."The festival also
PressCeleb: Starbucks CEO "stunned" by aftermath of his call to boycott (Reuters) News
Starbucks CEO "stunned" by aftermath of his call to boycott (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said he has been "stunned" by the response to his call for a boycott on political donations in response to Washington's poor handling of the debt-ceiling issue."We've touched a nerve," said the CEO of the coffee behemoth on Wednesday in an exclusive interview with TheWrap. "There's such a groundswell of disappointment and concern with regard to
PressCeleb: Sheen takes batting practice at Chase Field in AZ (AP) News
Sheen takes batting practice at Chase Field in AZ (AP) in celebrity press. PHOENIX – Charlie Sheen got some batting practice then asked for ice for his elbow before an Arizona Diamondbacks-New York Mets game at Chase Field.Sheen later watched the Sunday game from a suite. Pictures showed his right elbow wrapped with a bandage.Sheen had a pre-existing elbow injury that flared up, Diamondbacks President Derrick Hall said Monday.It was the team's understanding that Sheen is trying to get back
PressCeleb: NYC rapper's burned body found in SUV parked in NJ (AP) News
NYC rapper's burned body found in SUV parked in NJ (AP) in celebrity press. PARAMUS, N.J. – Authorities say the badly burned body of a fledgling New York City rapper who performed under the name Kampane has been found in a sport utility vehicle parked on a New Jersey street.But they say they don't believe Rhian H. Stoute was killed where his body was found early Tuesday in Paramus.Bergen County prosecutor John Molinelli says the death of the 33-year-old Brooklyn resident will be investigated
PressCeleb: Sugarland plans Ind. event, resumes tour Thursday (AP) News
Sugarland plans Ind. event, resumes tour Thursday (AP) in celebrity press. INDIANAPOLIS – Country duo Sugarland says it's planning a private memorial in Indiana to honor five fans who died when a stage and rigging collapsed at the Indiana State Fair last weekend.Sugarland says in a letter posted on the group's website that the event will be held after families of the victims hold their own services and memorials. The duo will resume its touring schedule Thursday in Albuquerque, N.M.Indiana
PressCeleb: Composer changes album cover of attacked towers (AP) News
Composer changes album cover of attacked towers (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Steve Reich (ryk) is picking another image for his album dedicated to 9/11 after the original photo — of the twin towers under attack — was met with protest.Reich's "WTC 9/11" is out Sept. 20, nine days after the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. The Kronos Quartet performs the music, and the piece includes prerecorded voices from air traffic controllers,
PressCeleb: Review: Beyonce showcases her dominance at concert (AP) News
Review: Beyonce showcases her dominance at concert (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – With 16 Grammys, millions of records sold, several defining hits and a superstar husband among her accomplishments, Beyonce has nothing to prove.But sometimes, even queens need to show what it means to be royalty. And on Sunday night, Beyonce arrived at the Roseland Ballroom to give fans and critics alike a reminder that despite chatter that might try to suggest otherwise, she remains the head diva in the
PressCeleb: Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) News
Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) in celebrity press. By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen, Ap Entertainment Writer – Mon Aug 15, 2:45 pm ETJeff Bridges, "Jeff Bridges" (Blue Note)If Bad Blake, the boozy country singer Jeff Bridges played in 2009's "Crazy Heart," could make albums, he may have made something like "Jeff Bridges." The actor's self-titled album is decidedly country, at once sad and hopeful, laced with heartfelt harmonies and slide
PressCeleb: Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) News
Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) in celebrity press. By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen, Ap Entertainment Writer – Mon Aug 15, 2:45 pm ETJeff Bridges, "Jeff Bridges" (Blue Note)If Bad Blake, the boozy country singer Jeff Bridges played in 2009's "Crazy Heart," could make albums, he may have made something like "Jeff Bridges." The actor's self-titled album is decidedly country, at once sad and hopeful, laced with heartfelt harmonies and slide
PressCeleb: Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) News
Review: Jeff Bridges is country solid on new album (AP) in celebrity press. By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen, Ap Entertainment Writer – Mon Aug 15, 2:45 pm ETJeff Bridges, "Jeff Bridges" (Blue Note)If Bad Blake, the boozy country singer Jeff Bridges played in 2009's "Crazy Heart," could make albums, he may have made something like "Jeff Bridges." The actor's self-titled album is decidedly country, at once sad and hopeful, laced with heartfelt harmonies and slide
PressCeleb: Charlie Sheen gets trashed by Insane Clown Posse (Reuters) News
Charlie Sheen gets trashed by Insane Clown Posse (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – Perhaps Charlie Sheen should have thought twice about agreeing to go face-to-face with horror-rap duo Insane Clown Posse's infamously rowdy fans -- semi-affectionately known as Juggalos -- this weekend.Sheen didn't exactly get showered with affection while hosting the annual Gathering of the Juggalos, which was held at Cave-In-Rock, Ill. from Thursday to Sunday -- more like showered
PressCeleb: Hilary Duff and husband expecting first child (AP) News
Hilary Duff and husband expecting first child (AP) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES – Hilary Duff is pregnant.The 23-year-old actress announced on her website Sunday that she and her hockey-player husband, Mike Comrie, are expecting their first child.She wrote that she and Comrie celebrated their first wedding anniversary over the weekend, and "We also want to share the exciting news that.. BABY MAKES THREE!!!"She said they are "extremely happy and ready to start this new chapter of our
PressCeleb: Dave Chappelle didn't want "reverse Kramer" situation (Reuters) News
Dave Chappelle didn't want "reverse Kramer" situation (Reuters) in celebrity press. NEW YORK ( – Dave Chappelle appeared on a San Francisco area radio program Friday morning to promote a weekend concert, but spent much of the interview explaining his sometimes contentious stage presence, especially his demeanor during a July 22 charity performance at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Florida.The reclusive "Chappelle's Show" star said that he didn't even get a chance to
PressCeleb: During 'Elvis Week,' fans remember pivotal year (AP) News
During 'Elvis Week,' fans remember pivotal year (AP) in celebrity press. MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Elvis Presley fans love an anniversary.Every year, thousands of Elvis devotees flock to Memphis to remember the singer's death on Aug. 16, 1977. The main event of "Elvis Week" is the solemn candlelight vigil at Graceland, his longtime home, at midnight Tuesday.This year, fans have something else to commemorate. It was 55 years ago — 1956 — when the first two Elvis albums were released, launching an
PressCeleb: Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) News
Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "Dancing With the Stars" co-host Brooke Burke and former "Baywatch" star David Charvet have tied the knot after a five-year engagement.Burke hinted at the news Saturday morning on Twitter, posting that she had "big news to share." Her rep later confirmed the marriage reports to E! News.The couple, who are both 39 and have two children together, were married Friday aboard a yacht off the Caribbean
PressCeleb: Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) News
Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "Dancing With the Stars" co-host Brooke Burke and former "Baywatch" star David Charvet have tied the knot after a five-year engagement.Burke hinted at the news Saturday morning on Twitter, posting that she had "big news to share." Her rep later confirmed the marriage reports to E! News.The couple, who are both 39 and have two children together, were married Friday aboard a yacht off the Caribbean
PressCeleb: Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) News
Brooke Burke, David Charvet tie the knot (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "Dancing With the Stars" co-host Brooke Burke and former "Baywatch" star David Charvet have tied the knot after a five-year engagement.Burke hinted at the news Saturday morning on Twitter, posting that she had "big news to share." Her rep later confirmed the marriage reports to E! News.The couple, who are both 39 and have two children together, were married Friday aboard a yacht off the Caribbean
PressCeleb: Tina Fey gives birth to second child (Reuters) News
Tina Fey gives birth to second child (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "30 Rock" creator and star Tina Fey gave birth to a girl on Wednesday, People magazine has reported.Penelope Athena Richmond is the second child for Fey, 41, and her composer husband, Jeffrey Richmond, 50.The Emmy-winning writer/performer and author of the nonfiction book "Bossypants," Fey first revealed her pregnancy to Oprah Winfrey in April.Earlier, in an essay for the New Yorker, she had written
PressCeleb: Rapper could face criminal charges for Twitter stunt (Reuters) News
Rapper could face criminal charges for Twitter stunt (Reuters) in celebrity press. LOS ANGELES ( – Los Angeles County police have opened a criminal investigation to track the source of a tweet sent from rapper the Game's Twitter account that resulted in two hours of jammed emergency phone lines Friday night, the Los Angeles Times reports.The tweet shared the number of the Compton sheriff's station, telling the Game's 580,000 followers to call the number to learn more about an
PressCeleb: Alec Baldwin back on 'Saturday Night Live' (AP) News
Alec Baldwin back on 'Saturday Night Live' (AP) in celebrity press. NEW YORK – Alec Baldwin earns bragging rights as the most familiar "Saturday Night Live" host when he opens the NBC show's 37th season on Sept. 24.It will be his 16th time as host. The "30 Rock" actor moves past Steve Martin, who has done it 15 times. Radiohead will be the musical guest, the network said Friday.Melissa McCarthy of CBS' "Mike & Molly" and the movie "Bridesmaids" will be the host of the show's second week, her
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